Fill your life with beauty that is old and new, fill your mind with beauty and grace, fill your soul with truth and love, enjoy it, every minute, learn to see all form of beauty that surround us every day.
The Positive Side of Medicine
Fill your life with beauty that is old and new, fill your mind with beauty and grace, fill your soul with truth and love, enjoy it, every minute, learn to see all form of beauty that surround us every day.
This is one of the most amazing videos we’ve shared. Oliver has a very lovely smile, and he also shows all sorts of emotions in
There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind. C.S.Lewis
A person who never learned to TRUST confuses intensity with closeness, obsession with care, and control with security. ~Patrick Carnes, psychiatrist
People who regularly suffer from migraines and headaches know how debilitating they can be. Though pain medications can be a short term solution, it is
Serious bike enthusiasts often spend hours on their bike to rack up the miles and stay fit. Most of these guys are incredibly ripped and
The Positive Side of Medicine