Face brightening toner! Reduces the size of pores, brightens face, reduces inflammation, and helps with acne!
Different things work differently on individual skin, so we like to include a few recipes with slight variations. This is a must try recipe for skin care, that reduces the size of pores, brightens your face, reduces inflammation, and helps with acne thanks to its all natural ingredients such as:
1/2 Cup Lemon juice to reduce blemishes and lighten the skin
1 Cup Water to hydrate the skin and mix the ingredients
2/3 Cup Witch hazel, to tighten pores and reduce inflammation
For oily skin add 2 tablespoons of isopropyl alcohol.
Begin by mixing all the ingredients in a jar, cleanse skin twice with a facial cleanser, then apply toner with a cotton pad, sweep upward and outward over entire face and neck, then apply moisturizer and give yourself a face massage. Repeat this process twice a day for better results, such as deeper cleansing, smaller pores and bright, radiant skin, first in the morning and then before you go to bed.