Have you ever heard crying cleanses the soul? The most cleansing, healing thing to do is let the tears loose, it slows your breathing and can have a calming effect.
Crying has several health benefits, it releases extra stress hormones and helps to expel toxins from the body. Crying is nonverbal communication, it can be seen as a plea for help or as way to express pain and joy, that’s also why you probably have heard the idiom ‘cry for help.’ The benefits of crying depend entirely on the what, where, and when of a particular crying episode.
Crying may not be a blockbuster drug, but the latest research suggests it’s highly effective at healing, and that it improves the mood of 88.8 % of weepers.
A neurological connection between the tear duct and the human brain exists. We release stress when we cry, and eventually it makes us feel better. It has a positive effect on mental health as well because crying is the most natural way of coping with pain, stress, and sorrow. Once you wipe the tears away, the world can seem like it’s been put back together again.
Crying also forces you to ask yourself questions about what’s going on underneath the surface, making you more able to pinpoint the reasons behind your tears.
We feel better after crying because we are literally crying it out. Chemicals that build up during emotional stress may be removed in our tears when we cry.
Tears associated with emotions have higher levels of some proteins, manganese, potassium, and hormones than other forms of tears. Crying may also trigger physical contact with another individual and touch has been linked to improved sense of well-being.