Sometimes on the way to a dream you get lost and find a better one.
Everyone comes with baggage. Find someone who loves you enough to help you unpack .
I love summer, the sweltering heat, the lazy days, ice cream with kids, days spent at the lake. Summer is also a great time to take advantage of sleeping in as it takes so much less time to get ready. Yes, it does. There are many summer activities that wreak havoc on moisture and dry
Eventually all the pieces fall into place… until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason.
I have a strong belief in the power of nutrition, so when my Dr. first told me I have an autoimmune disease I started researching food, nurses are the best, and worst, patients. We try to fix ourselves first, adjust our own medications, and do our own research. One of the first things I was
The first thing a person should learn about happiness is that it doesn’t have an “If” clause. If I had a nickel for every time I have heard it, I would be writing this from my dream home right now. The “If” clause is what people say related to happiness. IF I lost weight I
There are times when life will slam a door in your face, or, you can be just wandering through life enjoying yourself, when suddenly the door shuts behind you. I have had enough closed doors, and indeed closed a few myself, and it is not the end. There is a window somewhere, it may be
I have always been very blessed in my friendships, I have people that I have known my whole life as well as new friends and dozens of wonderful people I have “met” on the internet. My friends are emotional support, a source of laughter, fellow travelers on the journey, an anchor and mainstay in a
For as long as there has been a moon people have speculated about it, dreamed about it, wished on it, and believed it was filled with magic. The moon does affect the tides, but there is no evidence to support increased ER visits, accidents, and childbirth; I believe anyone who has worked in nursing, however,
Scientists have recently discovered a way to lower your blood pressure, increase your heart health, improve depression symptoms, assist your immune system, reduce stress, induce sleep, invigorate the body and rejuvenate the mind. Sounds like some sort of huge medical breakthrough, except this is completely free, has no adverse side effects, is calorie free, caffeine
Today is Memorial Day, formerly known as Decoration Day, a day when families would come together in family cemeteries for prayer, food, and remember loved ones who had passed. After the Civil War this extended to memorialize veterans, and is also the traditional beginning of summer, as Labor day is the end. I think honoring
We have all heard that you are what you eat, and you are, great hair and skin come from the inside out. What you put into your body is directly reflected on the outside of your body, but also what you think is also reflected in your face and your skin, and even what others
In today’s rushed lives we tend to miss all of the important things, we eat fast in the car or at our desks, at night we eat in front of the TV or with a crowd, we talk on the phone while we clean, work, or do other things on the computer, we even read
These are just a few random things the last 44 years have taught me, maybe we can all learn a little something… Find what you love to do, do it, do it well, repeat Wherever you go, there you are Always be yourself, no matter what If you screw up raising your kids nothing else
It has been my privilege to care for many of our country’s veterans as a long term care nurse, and living on the hospital campus I see soldiers training in summer, and it really struck me how large their sacrifices really are. We send our best and our brightest, brave and beautiful young men and
I have long been accused of being an organized person, I really wish I was. Because I have an organizational dysfunction I have to fake it. I make lists, all the time, of everything. On my refrigerator I have 3 notepads with magnets, one for groceries, one for bills, one for misc. When I was
Well, relatively speaking! It’s G-rated also, sorry for any disappointment that may incur. Now that my children are grown, a lot of my friend’s kids are grown as well, or old enough to be more independent, and it leaves us with unexpected time on our hands. At first I thought I would travel, catch up