I absolutely love this great share, I hope you do too!
There is a lot of controversy about GMO and non-GMO produce right now, here is a poster with the facts clearly stated so you can make an informed decision yourself. What you choose to put on your table is up to you, the consumer, don’t let anyone push you into your choices, decide for yourself,
I watched “The Green Mile” again last week, such a great movie, but one of Tom Hank’s lines caught me as it never has before. He stated that John Coffey’s character had infected him with life, and that is how he had lived so long, beyond expectations. That got me thinking, what if we could
There are so many kids that enter the service right after high school, it’s a great decision, it pays well, you get to have adventures, and there is money for college later if you choose that route. But, some kids die in service to their country, others are forever changed physically, and all emotionally. There
Always believe… Always trust… Always know that something better is coming… Always know that you are loved beyond comprehension… I absolutely love this poster, I want to hang it on my bathroom mirror!! If you believe it, it will happen, I know for a fact this is true. Love Peace and Hugs…
October is a lot of things… the first month of autumn, the month of All Hallow’s Eve, or All Saint’s Day, whichever you prefer, Halloween, homecoming games, the start of football, the end of baseball, Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Down’s Syndrome Awareness Month. Down’s syndrome begins with an extra chromosone, this extra chromosone makes
A new art project in the National Art Museum of Ukraine is more “unusual” than most of the arts I’ve seen before. Some beautiful girls are sleeping for couple of hours in the museum, waiting for their fairytale love! Watch this video to learn more about this surprising art project. And the result was
[Last Updated: 12/21/12] Love this idea: Chocolate explosion! This video explains the process in more details:
I Found this pic on the web and love to share it with you: “My Great Uncle Larry had 24 hours to live.. the hospital asked him what he wanted for his last meal.. he said “Last meal my ass.. give me an Iron City Beer.” He died last night.. R.I.P “ John sent us
About the video from Fast Company: “A new ad commissioned by the Scottish Government has gone far beyond the typical check-for-lumps message to clarify with stark images and plain language what the lesser known symptoms are. Created by The Leith Agency, the new ad features bare-shouldered actress Elaine C Smith holding up a series of
The world’s tallest man is Sultan Kösen (Turkey, b.10 December 1982) who is 251 cm (8 ft 3 in). He also holds the records for widest hand span and largest feet on a living person. Sultan is a part-time farmer and has severe case of acromegaly, a long-term condition in which there is too
[Last update: September 27th 2012] Fruits are nature’s fascinating medicines loaded with all sorts of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and many phyto-nutrients; And a good source for creative minds to create fruit arts! Here is our collection of the most amazing and creative fruit arts we found in the web. For the health benefits of different
Good afternoon, I am a former caregiver. I recently lost my husband after a long and arduous 15 year battle with Alzheimer’s disease. Please allow me to share information regarding our grassroots campaign for a fundraising stamp for Alzheimer’s research. After reading this, I hope you will contact your representatives AND share this information with
It looks like Cooper loves this fresh, juicy slice of watermelon; and the sound of his chewing is more adorable! He even doesn’t let it go when puppies are having their shares! Look how a slice of watermelon can make the world a happier place!!
This is one of the most amazing videos we’ve shared. Oliver has a very lovely smile, and he also shows all sorts of emotions in 60 seconds! I love this comment shared on Youtube on this video: “All energy levels at maximum. Commencing start-up procedure. Contentedness: Check. Tiredness: Check. Frustration: Check. Confusion: Check. Happiness:
Lara is experiencing her first lemon taste and she expresses the cutest sour face! I also love the last part when she made the expression before eating the lemon: Even she knows it’s going to taste so sour, but she still wanted to eat and was like gaining her strength to eat it..Enjoy!