I absolutely love this great share, I hope you do too!
I watched “The Green Mile” again last week, such a great movie, but one of Tom Hank’s lines caught me as it never has before. He stated that John Coffey’s character had infected him with life, and that is how he had lived so long, beyond expectations. That got me thinking, what if we could
Last Updated 10/23/12 Wow I love this! This poster has easy to read, simple information on what it takes to lose a pound of fat, and what it takes to keep it off. The formula is so simple even I can understand it! This is what keeps a person motivated, a great tool to post
I hope you all have your pink ribbons on for breast cancer awareness! Save the girls! This poster about cancer is thought provoking while cheerful. It certainly makes a person think, and smile a little, and cancer is one of those tough things that we must make ourselves tough enough to fight…
Always believe… Always trust… Always know that something better is coming… Always know that you are loved beyond comprehension… I absolutely love this poster, I want to hang it on my bathroom mirror!! If you believe it, it will happen, I know for a fact this is true. Love Peace and Hugs…
The past has already happened, the future is what’s yet to come, but everyday will always be a gift. That’s why it is called the “present”
Obstacles can’t stop you. Problems can’t stop you. Most of all, other people can’t stop you. The only one who stops you is yourself.
You could hold on to more precious memories if your hands weren’t so full of the grudges you are carrying so closely.
Don’t ever think you’re nothing, because somewhere along the line, there’s going to be someone who thinks you’re everything.
A negative thinker sees a difficulty in every opportunity; A positive thinker sees an opportunity in every difficulty.
Today’s status message: The only time it’s OK for one person to look down on another person is when they are reaching down to help the other one up!
I am a multi-tasker by nature… I often watch TV while doing a puzzle, reading a book, crocheting, or playing on the computer. I cook while sweeping or washing dishes, talking on the phone, or folding laundry. Right now I am working on this, playing a game, texting a friend, and planning my afternoon. While
Here is a collection of the breast cancer survivors photos. All these amazing women are strong warriors; and they carry all the pain, scars, hope and life in their eyes. We pray for every cancer patient to beat the cancer’s ass. Tons of Love! Sabina rocked the surgery and kicked cancer’s ass. We love you,
“I tried”: The sweetest word you could ever say for a failed relationship. It may be the shortest, but it complements everything.